About Me

I am a professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Washington. I also hold an adjunct professorship in the William E. Boeing Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics. My general research interests lie in numerical analysis and scientific computing.


Email: hujw at uw dot edu
Office: Lewis Hall 313
Phone (o): +1 (206) 221-1611


  • A postdoctoral position is currently available. Check it out here.
  • We are organizing a Summer School and Hackathon on Structure-Preserving Scientific Computing and Machine Learning from June 16 to 25, 2025, at the University of Washington. For more details and to apply, see here.
  • I am co-organizing the Seminar Series in Applied Mathematics at UW. If you are interested in giving a talk, please let me know.
  • Together with Fengyan Li and Sara Pollock, we are putting together a topical collection through La Matematica, featuring recent advances in numerical analysis and scientific computing. Submission is currently open. Please consider submmitting your work to our collection!